On April 23, Wellington Figure Skating Club will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is the event at which the WFSC committee reports back to you (the club members) on the state of the club – specifically in terms of finances, but also on the activities and commitments of the club through the year.
Time: 7pm
Location: Avalon Dog Training Club clubrooms. These are one of two buildings located at the Northern end of Belmont Domain park, and are best accessed from Carter Street

The AGM is also the event at which the committee is elected for the year, and so we are seeking nominations for committee members for the 2024-2025 financial year.
Being a member of the committee lets you provide input into the direction of the club and its activities, and it gives you an opportunity to help out with the tasks that will make the club thrive – funding applications, event organisation, administration, publicity, etc. etc.. We strongly recommend that club members consider nominating themselves (or other members) to be part of the committee for the coming year – a diverse range of experience, skills and background will be invaluable in building a strong, successful club.
All positions in the club are subject to re-election each year. The positions for which we are seeking nominations are:
- PresidentSecretary
- Treasurer
- Vice President
- Management Committee Member (up to 2 further positions)
- Committee Member (up to 8 positions)
Some important points to note regarding nominations, from our current constitution:
- Nominees must be club members
- Nominees must be over 16 years of age
- Club members may nominate themselves
- Club members are required to attend approximately 11 club meetings (held monthly at a time agreed by committee consensus) in order to remain on the committee
- Nominees for the Management Committee positions (including President, Secretary and Treasurer) are subject to additional requirements.
- Nominees must not be disqualified by the rules in the WFSC Constitution or the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. Please note that one motion we are proposing for the AGM is to remove Sections 12.6.1 and 12.6.2 from the constitution, to increase the number of club members who are eligible to hold these positions
- Successful nominees will be subject to a police check upon election. If the results of the police check do not meet the specified requirements, the election of the member will be deemed void and the nominee with the next-highest number of votes will be deemed the successful nominee.
Nominations have closed, however our Constitution allows us to accept nominations from the floor on the night if we do not have enough nominations, which is currently the case.
Application to Serve on the Committee