Figure Skating Sessions Registration

These Member only sessions are not lessons – they’re simply time on the ice for you to practice your own elements and programmes, without the general public present. These sessions are for practicing figure skating elements only.Ā  Please familiarise yourself with the Right of Way Rules in our Code of Conduct and the Etiquette for figure skating sessions.

Visiting skaters

Visiting figure skaters are welcome to skate during our Club Open Ice sessions. Please contact us to arrange.

Club Figure Skating Session ā€“ Elementary level and above

This is a practice session forĀ WFSC club membersĀ orĀ visitingĀ figure skatersĀ and is for working on figure skating elements only. These are not lessons.Ā Newer skaters […]

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Club Figure Skating Session – Advanced Level and above

This session is forĀ WFSC club membersĀ orĀ visitingĀ figure skatersĀ at advanced and above levels to work on jumps, spins, routines, stroking patterns etc. These are […]

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Club Figure Skating Session ā€“ Elementary level and above

This is a practice session forĀ WFSC club membersĀ orĀ visitingĀ figure skatersĀ and is for working on figure skating elements only. These are not lessons.Ā Newer skaters […]

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Club Figure Skating Session – Advanced Level and above

This session is forĀ WFSC club membersĀ orĀ visitingĀ figure skatersĀ at advanced and above levels to work on jumps, spins, routines, stroking patterns etc. These are […]

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Figure Skating Session Etiquette

As our figure skating sessions are getting busier, we are reminding all skaters of the need to be mindful of each other and to work together to ensure everyone gets their fair share of ice time. 

We have a number of skaters who are preparing for competition or testing and it can be hard to do this in a busy session on a small rink. 

If you are preparing for competition or testing, please let us know by email so that, where possible, we can do our best to accommodate your needs. 

General Courtesy

  • Respect the rights of other skaters and coaches and be aware of who is around you. 
  • If you are a less experienced skater, please be aware of other skaters and look ahead of where you are skating to see what others are doing or are about to do. 
  • If you are an experienced skater in the earlier session we expect you to be understanding of less experienced skaters and to moderate your practice for the level of the session and the numbers in attendance.
  • Please be understanding if someone gets in your way.

Running of the session

It is important that everyone does their part to ensure the sessions go smoothly. A pen and paper could make the difference to a well oiled session where multiple skaters have requirements. Discuss as a group at the start of the session, and create a roster if necessary to ensure everyone gets their turn. 

Standing Around

  • Please make it a habit if you need to have a very quick conversation on the ice that you all move to the closest barrier to ensure you are not in the way of other skaters. Longer conversations should be moved off ice.
  • It is especially important not to stop in the middle of the ice or any of the jumping corners. 
  • If you fall, get up immediately (unless injured or in need of assistance).

Right of Way

Please ensure you have familiarised yourself with the Right of Way Rules in the Code of Conduct.

  • If you have your music playing to practice a routine you must follow the rules set out in the section on Music in the Code of Conduct. 
  • We have two fluro vests located in the WFSC box kept at the counter that you are welcome to use to indicate to others that you have right of way when it is your turn to run through your routine. Otherwise, plan ahead and bring your own fluro vest, or make your own coloured armband to wear.

Jumps and Spins

  • If you are practicing jumps and spins please do them in the areas designated on the rink map. If everyone does this it will help other skaters to be prepared for any jumps or spins that are about to occur so they can avoid them.
  • Our rink is small and it can be difficult to find enough space to do your practice. Space may need to be shared with others, with each of you taking turns in the space.  
  • Be especially aware of your surroundings if you are in a Lutz corner. The approach to a lutz is long and blind so the skater doing the Lutz is not likely to see you.

Dangerous Elements

When practicing elements like camel spins and back spirals be aware of the danger your exposed blade poses to other skaters. Once you start the element it will be hard to see, so take a good look at your expected space before you start the element, and abort it if it looks like you could cause a problem. 

Clockwise Skaters

Whilst most of you are counter-clockwise skaters, please be aware that we have some skaters who spin and jump in the clockwise direction. Be mindful of each other to avoid collisions.

Keeping Everyone Safe

  • If someone is not following the rules, or continually getting in othersā€™ way, please let us know. We want you all to be safe on the ice, so the sooner the behavior is addressed the better for all.
  • If everyone can work together we can make these sessions work. Otherwise we may have to put lower limits on the numbers able to attend, and begin a ballot system.