Terms and Conditions

Updated 23 August 2024

These Terms and Conditions apply to Learn to Skate Wellington classes. and Wellington Figure Skating Club events and membership.

Members, students, and any other associated persons are expected to abide by the WFSC Code of Conduct. Parents/guardians are also expected to abide by the Parent Code of Conduct.

Cancellations and Refunds


We run our lessons in blocks during school terms, and on occasion will run additional specialty classes either as individual classes or shorter blocks.

The term “lesson” refers to lesson blocks and one-off individual lessons or specialty classes.

  • If you cancel a lesson more than 48 hours in advance, we will refund the cost of your lesson minus a 10% processing fee.
  • If you cancel a lesson within 48 hours of the scheduled start time, or miss the lesson without notifying us, you will not be eligible for a refund or rescheduling.
  • We expect course participants will make a reasonable attempt to notify us in advance of their intention to withdraw.
  • If you are unable to attend any portion of a lesson block, refunds will not be given for individual lessons that are missed.
  • In the event of a medical emergency or other extenuating circumstances, we will review requests for a refund on a case-by-case basis.
  • We reserve the right to make class changes as deemed necessary including combining classes where there are low numbers. Class times may change term to term depending on demand.

Please note that these policies are in place to ensure that our coaches are fairly compensated for their time and expertise. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Figure Skating Sessions
  • If you cancel a figure skating session that you are booked into more than 24 hours in advance you may contact us to reschedule to another session.
  • If you cancel within 24 hours of the scheduled start time, or miss the session without notifying us, you will not be eligible for a refund or rescheduling.
  • In the event of cancellation of the session by WFSC or Daytona, your ticket can be rebooked for a later date.
  • Tickets must be redeemed during scheduled figure skating sessions. The ticket is valid for one time entry for the duration of the visit.

Terms & Conditions

Entry is conditional on reading and following these rules and those set out in the WFSC Code of Conduct. By booking lessons or figure skating sessions and entering the venue you agree to these terms of service.

Health & Safety

  • We highly recommend that you seek medical advice before taking up skating if you suffer from high blood pressure, heart conditions, back or neck problems, brittle bones, joint injuries, pregnancy, epilepsy or any other condition that could be aggravated by this activity.
  • Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult or guardian at all times. Any child we believe to be unaccompanied will be asked to leave the rink and monitored safely at the venue until a responsible adult or guardian is on site or further action could be taken at the discretion of WFSC or Daytona staff. If you are leaving your child in the care of another adult who is on site, please advise the WFSC coordinator before leaving the premises.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and gloves. Jeans, flared/wide legged pants, extra long pants, or pants with ties/drawstrings at base of leg are not to be worn on the ice.
  • Helmets are compulsory for:
    – children under the age of 6, 
    – skaters at Beginner, Elementary or Basic level,
    – any person returning to skating following a recent concussion.
    Head protection is highly recommended for all other skaters. Please see our Helmet Policy for full details.
  • The use of protective gear such as knee pads, elbow pads, crash pants, etc as appropriate to your level of skating is recommended. Wearing protective equipment will reduce the chance of injury due to falls or collisions.
  • You are responsible for the maintenance of your own skates and equipment. WFSC reserves the right to refuse to allow persons to use skates or equipment that they deem unfit for use.
  • We strongly recommend performing dynamic warm-up exercises before getting on the ice to reduce the risk of injury.
  • You must report any injuries to WFSC representatives, Coaches or rink staff at the time of the event. First aid supplies will be available.
  • No skating whilst the Zamboni is in use. You may not enter the ice surface until the Zamboni is completely off the ice and the rink-side doors to where the Zamboni parks are shut.
  • Skate within your own ability and be aware of other skaters.
  • You must adhere to the Right of Way rules and Figure Skating Session rules contained in the Code of Conduct during club sessions or if there is a practice area set aside on the rink when lessons are in progress.
  • Please skate in an anti-clockwise direction when warming up or skating laps.
  • Skating with headphones on during classes or open club sessions is not permitted.
  • Any clothing items that affect vision and/or hearing are not permitted. Long hair needs to be secured away from eyes.
  • Adornments/embellishments must be securely attached to your clothing and any items that fall onto the ice must be picked up immediately.
  • No carrying of children or any other persons on the rink at any time.
  • No food or drink to be taken on the rink.
  • Please listen to the direction of Daytona staff, Coaches and representatives of Wellington Figure Skating Club; they are there for your safety and the safety of others.

Behaviour and Attendance

  • You are expected to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner. Disruptive behaviour may result in expulsion from the class or session.
  • WFSC will not accept any abusive or threatening behaviour under any circumstances. Any persons deemed to be doing so will be removed from the venue.
  • Any persons deemed to be intoxicated by alcohol and/or drugs will not be allowed to skate, removed from the venue and future entry may be refused.
  • You should aim to be at the rink 15 to 20 minutes early to do a quick off ice warm-up before getting your skates on.
  • You should have your skates on and be at the barrier ready to enter the ice 2 minutes before your lesson begins.

Photography and Recording of Skaters

  • No photos or recordings are to be made of skaters or coaches during lessons.
  • In some instances a coach may consent to a one-off recording of themself, or another person who has consented to be recorded, demonstrating certain skills for students to refer to when practicing outside of lessons. This does not give you permission to record at any other time without seeking prior consent.
  • No photos or recordings of any kind are to be made of other skaters during open sessions without their permission.


  • Parents of WFSC Members or Learn to Skate Wellington students must adhere to the Parent Code of Conduct when attending lessons, WFSC events, or as part of their child’s membership of WFSC.
  • Parents/Caregivers, family members, partners and friends should congregate in the viewing area by the tables during lessons so that skaters are not distracted.


  • Skating is a risky sport and you skate at your own risk.
  • WFSC are not responsible for any loss, injury or damage, however caused, to yourself or a 3rd party, your property, or clothing.
  • WFSC cannot be held responsible for any accidents caused by in-house structures, hire skates, objects, or the actions of other skaters.
  • WFSC reserves the right to remove persons immediately with no refund from the session for any reasons, including behaviour likely to cause damage, injury, nuisance or annoyance, including drug and alcohol abuse, or for failure to comply with the reasonable requests of WFSC, coaches or Daytona staff.